SUNY GCC - 杰纳西社区学院

Forty percent of GCC’s student population is “nontraditional,指的是25岁以上的人, 而且通常要同时承担许多其他责任,比如全职或兼职工作, 照顾儿童或长者, 汽车分期付款, 或缩小规模.

Whether you are entering college for the first time, returning after a number of years, 考虑换工作, or returning from military duty, GCC will help you discover your potential.




  1. 透过 招生 网站
  2. 招生办公室 at 巴达维亚 Campus (Room C200) or any campus center.
  3. Mail your completed application to:


You have the option of filling out a FAFSA形式, which will determine if you are eligible for any federal aid. 在这个网站上会有一个纽约州TAP申请国家援助的链接. If you have any additional questions, please visit the 金融援助 Office, 巴达维亚校区C231室, 或致电(585)345-6900.


Proof of high school graduation or equivalency is needed for acceptance. Please send the following (if applicable) to the 招生办公室:

  • Official high school transcript
  • If you have Advanced 放置 (AP), you need to request the scores to be sent to us from College Board
  • 同等学历证书复印件
  • Official transcripts from any college that you have attended


Proof of adequate immunization against measles, mumps and rubella is required of anyone born after 1956, who is enrolling for six or more credit hours. 根据纽约州卫生法,未提供此类证明的学生可能会被从注册课程中除名.

所有注册六个或更多学分的学生必须填写并返回脑膜炎反应表. 它是  necessary to have the meningitis vaccine.




If you have 不 taken the ACT test, you must take 杰纳西社区学院’s Compass placement test, 哪些是免费的. 分班考试可以在巴达维亚校区或任何校园中心进行. 如果你参加过ACT考试,并且英语/写作成绩低于19分, 阅读18分,数学18分, we strongly encourage you to take the Compass test. Please contact GCC’s 测试中心 at (585) 343–0055, ext. 6354 or campus center for testing center hours. 请注意,您需要携带带照片的身份证件以及您的社会安全号码.

Advisement/Register for Classes

所有被录取的新生将参加巴达维亚校区的新生注册会议或在校园中心预约注册课程. 学生将会收到一封包含报名参加课程信息的信件. 重新入学和转学生可以在(585)345-6805或任何校园中心与管理中心预约.


To qualify for 纽约 State resident tuition, 你必须每学年向商务办公室提交一份居留证明. 申请表格可在商务办公室或您所在县的财务主管办公室获得. 居留证明必须在学期开始前60天内完成,不迟于第一学期课程的第三周. After that date, you will be charged double tuition fees.


Tuition payment for the fall semester is due the first week in August. Tuition payment for spring is due the first week in January. 杰纳西社区学院 also offers a tuition payment plan. You may enroll online via your GCC myGCC account. If you have any questions regarding your tuition bill, you may contact the 业务办公室 at (585) 345–6590. 如果您未在到期日之前付款或安排,杰纳西社区学院有权取消您的课程注册. 一旦你的课程被取消, 您可以在付款后重新注册公开课程.

Textbooks may be ordered and paid via mail, ordered by phone with a Visa or MasterCard, 穿过校园中心, 或在 书店 在巴达维亚校区. 巴达维亚书店的正常营业时间是周一到周四上午9点.m.– 4 p.m. 周五早上9点开始.m.–3 p.m.

The phone number for the 书店 is (585) 343–0055, ext. 6878. The fax number is (585) 344–3515.


If you have a disability and would like special accommodations, please contact the Center for Academic Progress (CAP) at (585) 343–0055, ext. 6351求助. More information regarding accommodations can be found 在这里.


你的学生证是免费的,可以在学生活动办公室(巴达维亚校区)或任何校园中心获得. ID cards are necessary for general identification, 学生活动, to take exams in the 测试中心, to check out books or equipment in the library, and to use College campus computer labs.


强烈建议任何在巴达维亚校区上课的学生获得停车贴纸, 免费, 在校园安全办公室. 学校设有残疾学生和骑摩托车学生专用停车场. 残疾学生必须从他们所在城市的办公室获得纽约残疾人停车许可证. 非法停放的汽车可能会被杰纳西县执法人员开罚单,并被拖走,费用由车主承担.


杰纳西社区学院很高兴地宣布推出杰纳西生命计划, 这是一个创新的项目,允许所有海湾合作委员会的毕业生回国学习学分课程, 学费免费, 对生活. 归国学生将有机会为新的职业生涯做准备, transfer education opportunities, or to gain new skills for personal pursuits.

“GCC has a history of promoting life-long learning opportunities, 从而使我们的学生成为不断变化的世界的领导者. Genesee for Life takes that commitment even further.海合会主席海合会博士说. 詹姆斯的太阳. “Now more than ever the world we live in is evolving rapidly, 随之而来的是教育和就业机会的不断演变. 所有从GCC毕业的学生现在都有保证,如果他们希望或需要从事新的研究领域, GCC will welcome them back with free tuition, 对生活.”

欲知详情,请浏览 http://ufm.byum.net/genesee4life/

Genesee承诺Plus for New Adult 学生s

GPP Scholarship 资金 is available for either Summer Session. 有先决条件的课程可能需要进行分班测试.


Any adult student who received a GED prior to May 1, 2024年或在2023年12月或更早从任何田纳西高中毕业, 利文斯顿, Orleans or Wyoming County school or from Chesterton Academy of Buffalo, 青年女子大学预科, Royalton一起, 先锋, 史, 荷兰, Wayland-Cohocton, Honeoye Falls-秘鲁首都利马, 利马基督教, 亚克朗市, 西谷, 菲尔莫, Rush-Henrietta, 小麦地辣椒, Churchville辣椒, 布洛姆菲尔德, Brockport, Ellicottville, 富兰克林维尔和巴克学校有资格获得奖学金,涵盖海湾合作委员会2024年夏季课程的学费.

  • GPP Adult 学生s must be a new college student. 成人承诺Plus学生不能从任何其他学院或大学转学, readmitted from GCC from prior enrollment, or be a continuing GCC college student.
  • GPP奖学金适用于任何校园暑期课程.
  • 居住在四个县的GLOW服务区,获得GED文凭,以前从未上过大学的学生有资格参加一个免费的暑期课程, 不论年龄大小.
  • GPP recipients are also eligible to enroll in GCC’s Online courses.
  • 有先决条件的课程可能需要进行分班测试.
  • GPP Adults students must register for Summer and Fall admission. (GCC Admission application is FREE.)


  1. 学生 must complete and mail, fax or email in the one-page GCC Promise Plus Scholarship 应用程序.
  2. 在收到Genesee承诺Plus录取通知书后,学生将:
    1. 设置密码
    2. 注册课程
  3. 强烈建议学生提交高中成绩单.
    • 成绩单可以通过电子邮件发送到 admissions@杰纳西.edu and must come from the student’s high school
    • 成绩单可以用来代替Accuplacer分班考试,以满足先决条件
  4. 学生必须填写 居住形式.
  5. Parental approval/signature is required if under 18 years of age.


它是 recommended that all GPP Adult 学生s meet, 虚拟的还是面对面的, 与GCC顾问或校园中心助理以个人为基础,以确保资格. 需要注意的是,所有GPP成人课程都是非入学的夏季学生.

学生 looking into a microscope


职业咨询是职业规划中必不可少的一部分. Our mission is to provide assistance in learning the necessary planning, 专业发展, 以及求职技巧,以便在决策过程中取得成功. 就业服务办公室为正在寻找工作的学生和非学生提供帮助, 探索不同的职业, or planning their educational path.


Adult Education Opportunity Program

AEOC的目的是提供免费的支持,以帮助我们社区的参与者申请, 资金, and enrolling in further education. AEOC在这里帮助你实现你所有的教育和职业目标和梦想!