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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

GCC does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual preference, veteran status, domestic violence status or disability in its educational programs, activities, admissions, and employment.


根据《lol菠菜竞猜》,任何身体或精神受损,严重限制其一项或多项主要生活功能的人都被定义为残疾人. 残疾学生可能不会被隔离,并完全包括在机构现有的计划和活动.

GCC provides assistance to students with disabilities, assists faculty and staff members who interact with the students and work closely with community agencies. 学生有责任确定他/她对服务的需求并提供适当的文件.

The information the student provides will be confidential. With the student’s permission, only specific recommendations will be released to faculty. Please note that the college does not provide personal aids or attendants.

Web Accessibility Statement

Genesee Community College (GCC) recognizes the importance of ensuring our website is accessible to everyone. In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), we will make reasonable accommodations to the known physical limitations of individuals with disabilities.

GCC has incorporated design best practices into our website ( so that the pages are accessible to people with physical and visual impairments, including those who need screen readers, those who are color blind and those who cannot use a mouse. 我们致力于使我们的内容对残疾人士无障碍,并不断努力提高可访问性和可用性.

Note About Portable Document Format (PDF)

Many documents on the GCC website ( are in portable document format (PDF). For the best experience viewing these files, please download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for free at the Adobe Website.

Many of our videos are closed-captioned and can be expanded to full screen viewing.

如果您发现网站的某些方面可能导致可访问性问题或对ADA遵守有任何疑问, please contact our ADA coordinator at 585-343-0055 x6219 or email us at

Frequently Asked Questions

如果你是一名残疾学生,或者不确定你是否有残疾,并且对高等教育环境中的学术住宿感到好奇, then this page may be helpful to you.

What is a disability?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities related to education include but are not limited to walking, sleeping, eating, learning, reading, writing, processing, hearing, etc.

What laws protect the rights of students with disabilities?

1973年的《lol菠菜竞猜》第504条要求接受联邦资金的人为残疾人提供平等的机会获得所有服务. In 1990, 《lol菠菜竞猜》(ADA)更详细地规定了不仅是联邦基金接受者的义务,也包括私营企业和公共场所的义务.

In 2008, after a series of court decisions eroded congress’s intent with the ADA, Congress passed the amendments act. 《lol菠菜竞猜》重申了国会的意图,即《lol菠菜竞猜》适用于所有类型的残疾人,包括那些患有癌症或身体系统损伤等长期疾病的人,并明确指出,在确定个人是否患有残疾时,不应采取减轻措施. 修正案的意图和效果是显著扩大《lol菠菜竞猜》所涵盖的人数.

What is an accommodation?

住宿是对政策和/或学术环境的调整,以确保有暂时或永久性残疾的学生能够适应 equal access to course material, information, activities, programs, housing, and other campus facilities.

How do I ask a student about their disability?

不允许向学生询问有关其残疾的更多细节,因为必须维护学生信息的机密性. 是否向他们的老师或学院的工作人员披露他们残疾的性质是个人的选择.

What is a service animal?

服务性动物是一种被训练来为残疾人工作或执行积极任务的动物. If it is unclear whether an animal (a dog and rarely a miniature horse) is a service animal, 任何人都可以问以下问题:(1)服务性动物是否因为残疾而被需要;(2)该动物受过什么工作或任务的训练? If you are unsure whether these questions have been answered satisfactorily, allow the person and animal to proceed, and contact Access & Accommodation Services on campus. An emotional support animal is not a service animal.

Access & 杰纳西社区学院的住宿服务鼓励有服务动物的学生到我们的办公室登记他们的动物. 如果学生和服务动物因任何原因分开,我们需要促进团聚,这将很有帮助. Please view our Service Animal Registration Form.


在高等教育阶段(学院和大学),有关残疾学生强制性住宿的法律与K-12不同. Therefore, a student may not receive accommodations that they received in high school. In some cases, the accommodations that students receive in high school may be the same, but other accommodations may not be reasonable and appropriate at the college level. 这就是为什么每个学生的文件被审查,住宿是通过互动过程进行讨论.

For information related to the differences between k-12 services and services in higher education, please see our document Transitioning to College Accommodations.

Is there someone who will be closely monitoring the student’s progress?

Unlike high school, the university setting requires students to act as independent adults. If a student presents to Access & Accommodation Services when they face challenges on campus, 我们将尽一切努力帮助学生在我们的服务范围内回到正轨. Daily monitoring, however, is not available.

What role can parents have in requesting accommodations in college?

A student who is 18 years old or older is legally recognized as an adult. As an adult, the student must self-identify to Access & Accommodation Services and request accommodations. Accommodation requests will only be accepted from the student, not from his or her parents. Many times, parents ask to be included in the first appointment with Access & Accommodation Services. With the student’s approval, this can be very helpful. Students must sign a release if they wish to have information shared with parents after the first meeting.

How do I set up accommodations for my classes?

Students must self-identify to Access & Accommodation Services and request accommodations (this is separate from the general admissions process). The first step includes completing our intake form and requesting a meeting with one of our staff. 在lol电竞菠菜上课的学生将被要求与Access见面 & Accommodation Office Professional for an intake meeting to discuss the accommodation process. 只在网上上课的学生将需要通过电话或电子方式与Access进行交流 & Accommodation Services Professional.

需要或想要我们的入学表格的不同格式的学生可以通过电子邮件( or by calling us at 585.343.0055 x6219. We will be happy to provide our form in an alternative format.


每个学院/大学可能有不同的文件指南和规则,lol菠菜竞猜什么是合理的住宿. Upon transfer to Genesee Community College, information from a previous school is helpful but it is still necessary for Access & 住宿办公室专业人员将审核您的文件,并确定我们机构的合理费用.

Will there be any record on my transcript if I use accommodations through the Access & Accommodation Office?

No, 如果学生在接受高等教育期间使用了访问服务,那么他们的学习记录上就没有标志或识别标记. Further, documentation and disability services records are maintained separately from other academic records.

What kind of documentation do I need to provide to the Access & Accommodation Office?

Documentation guidelines vary based on the type of disability. We will determine through the interactive process what, if any, documentation is needed. Please note that you should not delay meeting with us out of concern for not having the right paperwork. 在最初的互动流程会议期间,每个顾问将讨论具体的第三方文档需求,以及会后您可以采取的步骤. Our first priority is meeting with you, not reviewing your documentation.

Does Genesee Community College have special tutoring for students with disabilities?

The office of Access & Accommodations does not list tutoring as an accommodation. We refer students to the Genesee Community College Learning Center when tutoring needs arise. Students may also access tutoring through the Learning Center at their convenience, without a referral. Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. For more information on all of the great programming offered through our Learning Center, please visit the Learning Center’s page or email the Learning Center at

If I believe I am eligible for Access & Accommodation Services, what should I do next?

Please complete our electronic Intake for Access & Accommodation Services and contact our office to request an initial appointment (email: or phone: 585.343.0055 x6219)

Please do not hesitate to visit our offices for more information:

The Office of Access & Accommodations
Genesee Community College
Room C219

Phone: 585-343-0055 x6219